Thursday, May 28, 2009

a relaxation procedure

How To Eliminate Negative Thinking

Do you sometimes spend time thinking about stuff that really doesn't matter?
Are you constantly focusing on what is wrong - and spend very little time thinking about what is right in your life or what is going well?

If you said YES to any of the above then you do what most people do - carry around a lot of junk in your head - which can be called negative thinking.
The junk in your head that I'm referring to are the thoughts that really don't help you. Often, these are negative meaningless thoughts

So why keep this junk in your head?

Think about it - they serve no purpose. After all - negative thoughts don't help you - they just make you feel bad, and will often lead to negative beliefs which creates a negative lifestyle.

Meaningless thoughts - the kind where you worry for no reason - serve no purpose because they don't help you accomplish your goals and they just take up space and energy. That same space and energy can be used to have thoughts that do serve a purpose and help you accomplish your goals.

What do I mean?

Instead of having and keeping negative thoughts or thoughts that serve no purpose - change those thoughts.

Create thoughts that are positive and that help you achieve your goals. For example: instead of worrying about what might go wrong - think about what might go right. Think about how things could work out for you. Think about how you can improve your life, or try to find solutions.

When you do this you direct your mind and subconscious mind to regularly focus on the positive things that are going on in your life. And you also direct your subconscious mind to create more positive situations and more positive outcomes.

If you constantly focus on what could go wrong - you'll always create and attract situations that won't work out. If you regularly focus on how things could work out, and when you constantly focus on positive things - you will attract situations and events that work out for you and you will attract more positive events and people.

Your subconscious mind will always create situations and events that you regularly think about. So start replacing those negative and useless thoughts - with positive and constructive thoughts. Begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to create the life that you want - and you'll begin achieving your goals sooner than you realize. Get started today.

How do you change your thoughts?

At any point during the day - when ever you have a free moment - catch yourself thinking.

Pay attention to your thoughts. Observe them - and analyze them. Ask yourself: "Does this thought or belief work for me? Does it help me? Does it make me feel better?" If the answer is no - then you have to change it. And you can change the thought by simply thinking of the opposite or creating a new thought that helps you create what you want.

For example: If you're constantly thinking about why you're not good enough or why you can't achieve something - change those thoughts. Think about why you are good enough and why you can achieve something. At first you may have to push yourself to come up with reasons - but once you do you'll get more and more comfortable with the process.

As you regularly think about why you can do something - you'll start to believe that you can achieve that goal. The minute you begin to believe that you can do something your subconscious mind goes out and treates the situations to help you achieve that goal.

Eliminating the junk in your head and the negative thoughts has a powerful impact. First you get rid of negative thinking that leads to a negative or unfulfilled life. At the same time you start creating positive thoughts that lead to a positive lifestyle - where you actually begin achieving your goals. Your thoughts and beliefs are the fuel that drive your subconscious.

Feed your subconscious negative thoughts and negative beliefs and you'll stall your engine. That means you won't be able to achieve your goals. Feed your subconscious positive thoughts and positive beliefs - and you turbocharge yourself to success.

Start changing your thoughts today. Begin directing your mind and subconscious mind to help you live the life you want and achieve your goals.

Eliminate any negative attitudes.

If you have a negative or bad attitude, if you try to be difficult or demanding - it's time to change those attitudes.


Because they don't work for you. Sure you may think that being demanding works for you - but it really doesn't.

Why not?

Because when you're demanding you're insisting on something specific happening. When you do this - you close yourself off to certain possibilities - you actually limit yourself. By limiting yourself you limit your chance for success.
Be open to any and all possibilities. A closed mind closes the door to opportunity.

A negative attitude certainly doesn't work for you - so why keep it. Start creating a positive attitude by simply changing your thoughts and change the way you see things. A negative or a bad attitude is usually the result of seeing things in a negative or not so positive way.

Look at all the possibilities, and focus on the positive aspects. When you do this regularly you'll develop a positive attitude - an attitude that works for you and helps you achieve your goals.

Your subconscious mind responds to your thoughts and beliefs. Your attitude is an extension of those thoughts and beliefs. Begin feeding your mind and subconscious mind positive messages and you begin creating a positive lifestyle. Get started today.

You can eliminate the negative thoughts. You can get rid of the junk in your head. You can begin to improve your life and achieve your goals.
Start eliminating those negative thoughts today. Start changing your attitude and begin creating the life you want today. Make this your time to shine.

STOP the negative thoughts! Start creating the life you want..

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Hmm...tarikh 16 MEI datang lagi...satu tarikh yg aku tak akan lupa sampai bila-bila...tiap kali teringat hari guru, terkenang pulak kenangan zaman sekolah..sekolah rendah st. john (1), sekolah rendah agama Al-Watan, sekolah rendah clifford lipis, smk seri bentong dan sekolah alam shah..
semua sekolah ni tempat yg aku pernah pergi menuntut ilmu....ilmu asas yang penting untuk kegunaan kita hari ini...

dekat clifford lipis, aku memang nakal dan bermulut celupar...tiap-tiap kali aku mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat, budak-budak perempuan pergi report dekat cikgu Amran, cikgu disiplin waktu tu..diorang pergi tulis dalam buku aduan disiplin pelajar..tiap-tiap minggu, cikgu akan belek buku aduan dia tu..maka, tiap-tiap minggu lah aku kena panggil jumpa dia dan lebam di bahagian gluteal...haha..sakit wooo...tapi lama-lama dah lali..insaf tu tak jugak..walaupun selalu kena rotan dengan cikgu amran, hati aku tak pernah pun ada perasaan benci atau tak suka dekat dia...mungkin sebab dia selalu buat lawak dalam kelas BM dia..aku tak pernah ponteng kelas tambahan BM dia..mungkin sebab aku tak berani ponteng..hehe..tapi cikgu amran memang seorang yang peramah..apa-apa pun, aku dapat B dalam penulisan dan A dalam pemahaman time UPSR...huhu...

dekat clifford lipis, aku memang nakal dan selalu tak siapkan kerja sekolah..lagi-lagi matematik....huhu...malasnya nak buat!!!! bila cikgu math tu nak cek kerja sekolah, aku menggelabah, aku buat separuh je..yang lain aku selesaikan dalam otak je....tiap kali aku bagi alasan tak siap kerja, cikgu math tu cuma mengeluh..dia dah naik menyampah dengan alasan aku...rasa bersalah pun timbul di hati aku...tiap kali waktu math, aku pun kena la diri atas kerusi...tapi apa-apa pun, waktu UPSR, math aku dapat A...terima kasih cikgu...

dekat clifford lipis dulu, aku memang lemah english...harap je datang dari KL..tapi english teruk je..aku tak pernah buat hal waktu kelas english..tak berani woooo....cikgu english semuanya garang-garang...huhu..aku tak akan lupa nama cikgu english aku ni..orang panggil teacher zubaidah..dan dia lah guru kelas aku...parents aku selalu rujuk dekat dia kalau-kalau aku ada buat hal kat sekolah...waktu tu, belajar english memang menyeksakan..susah betul aku nak paham apa yang cikgu ajar..grammar lintang pukang..hahaha..tapi techer zubaidah sentiasa tolong aku..panggil aku duduk tepi dia dan ajar aku perlahan-lahan...hasilnya, aku berjaya dapat A dalam English waktu UPSR dulu...aku ingat lagi yang hari keputusan UPSR keluar adalah hari terakhir dekat cliford lipis..waktu tu semua budak darjah 6 beratur nak salam cikgu sambil menuju ke arah pintu pagar sekolah..aku pun beratur sekali la..bila aku sampai depan teacher zubaidah, aku salam dia dan tiba-tiba dia peluk aku dengan erat macam pelukan seorang ibu..aku perasan yang teacher tak peluk pun budak-budak lain yang salam dengan teacher sebelum aku...waktu dia peluk aku, aku memang tak sangka aku menitiskan air mata yang pertama kali aku titiskan kerana seorang cikgu...

itulah titisan air mata ku untuk cikgu....
terima kasih ckgu..~


Thursday, May 14, 2009

my first ever blog

hai to all readers..

first of all, i just want to invite you guys to continuously view and read my posts whenever you guys are free..hmm..i might not be able to update this blog everyday because of a demanding hours for books and lecture notes and all other daily activities...

by the way, it would be nice for me to introduce a bit about myself...
i was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which is a south east asia country...and i have live in the capital city for almost 19 years until the time i post this...currently i'm a medical student and hopefully i can be a doctor by the year, medical books should be my MAIN interest for now, but you know, sharing stories and ideas can help us release some stress...and beecause of that reason, i'm so sorry if there are some stupid posts from me...

some of my posts will be in english if i would like it to be share globally, but mostly will be written in my native language, the Bahasa Melayu (malay language which is similar to Indonesian language)...i am proud to use my native language as my primary choice rather than might be because of my English is not as good as a novel writer..haha..but i love to improve my english as it is a demand in nowadays job market...isn't it??

ok read my posts if you wish to know more about me...humbly speaking, there is nothing interesting about me...huhu~